LinkedIn Video

LinkedIn Introductions

LinkedIn Introductions – No longer in the LinkedIn App. No Big Deal to me. I have a better way.

LinkedIn Uncategorized

LinkedIn Analytics – updated

I love LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Analytics are nothing like Google Analytics, however they are insightful and interesting.

Used correctly this set of 7 different analytical tools can help you stay focused and grow your online Presence, Network and Reputation.


Changes to LinkedIn – Some Great, Some Not

Over the past few weeks LinkedIn has made four major changes to the application. Some of them are useful, others are not.

LinkedIn Social Media

Own Your Social Media Handle

Do you Own your Social Media Handle?

In the great and ever expanding social media world, our #Handle can be an important part of our brand.


LinkedIn Profile Picture

“Do I need a LinkedIn Profile Picture?”

Each time I get this question I unequivocally say, “Yes!”

Here are four reasons I recommend you have a LinkedIn Profile Picture: