LinkedIn Social Networking

Prospecting on LinkedIn

Prospecting on LinkedIn

Prospecting on LinkedIn is the process of finding connections who could become future clients or who could connect you to your future clients.

LinkedIn Social Networking

How to Engage on LinkedIn

In this article I will share ideas of how to Engage on LinkedIn.

This will be a long read – take it slow and you’ll get lots of benefit from this article.

336Events Magazine Articles

Networking 106 – It starts with a chat

Here is the 6th Article I wrote for

by Teddy Burriss Social Networking Pro

I talked with a businessman today who has an opportunity beyond his wildest dreams. And, it all started with a simple chat.

336Events Magazine Articles

Networking 105 – My contacts are worth more than gold

Here is the 5th Article I wrote for

by Teddy Burriss Social Networking Pro

My business card rolodex is one of my most treasured personal belongings.

336Events Magazine Articles Networking

Networking 103 – In Real Life and Virtual

Article #3 for

by Teddy Burriss, Social Networking Pro

Face to Face Networking is not the only way to network anymore.