LinkedIn Social Networking

Prospecting on LinkedIn

Prospecting on LinkedIn

Prospecting on LinkedIn is the process of finding connections who could become future clients or who could connect you to your future clients.

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Mitch Miles

“A Facebook connection created the opportunity for a 45-minute breakout session that was leading into a 2-hour keynote presentation.” Mitch Miles

336Events Magazine Articles

Networking 104 – Are you a Connector?

Here is the 4th Article I wrote for

by Teddy Burriss Social Networking Pro

Last month we shared that Networking is done both IRL (in real life) and Virtually (social media).  This month let’s talk about being a connector.

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Jana Carroll

“Hoping someone would recognize these children, I posted it on a Facebook page for the village in Saudi Arabia.” Jana Carroll

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Kim Williams

“Social Media IS selling but it is the branding, marketing and positioning part of selling. You don’t present or close sales on Social Media.” – Kim E. Williams