LinkedIn Video

LinkedIn Introductions

LinkedIn Introductions – No longer in the LinkedIn App. No Big Deal to me. I have a better way.

Public Speaking

Women of Influence Quotations

Women of Influence should be Publicly Present

I collected these #WomenOfInfluence Quotes while I was developing a presentation for 77 Women of Influence at a private event in September 2015.

I share them with you, not because you are all women of influence, but because I feel they apply to all of us in many different ways.

LinkedIn Uncategorized

LinkedIn Analytics – updated

I love LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Analytics are nothing like Google Analytics, however they are insightful and interesting.

Used correctly this set of 7 different analytical tools can help you stay focused and grow your online Presence, Network and Reputation.

e-books Leadership Coach

My Double Barrel Shotgun

My Double Barrel Shotgun

I carry my double barrel shotgun with me where ever I go.


Changes to LinkedIn – Some Great, Some Not

Over the past few weeks LinkedIn has made four major changes to the application. Some of them are useful, others are not.