Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Ray Mitchell

“I’m a web designer and I have used Social Media in various ways. It’s been a source of information related to my industry and I’ve used it to get answers to work problems.” Ray Mitchell

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Amy Howell

“Engaging with Influence: How I met some of my most valued advisors, mentors & key business contacts through Twitter” Amy Howell

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Ira Bass

“Then it happened!  I discovered this new social media platform.  Not Facebook.  Not Twitter.  LinkedIn!” Ira Bass

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Elizabeth Cottrell

“How appropriate to be sharing a social media success story with Teddy Burriss, because social media is responsible for our knowing each other and discovering that we are kindred spirits! ” Elizabeth Cottrell

Success Stories

Social Media Success Story – Mark Tosczak

“I have three social media success stories to share with you.” Mark Tosczak