
What Content Types should I use on LinkedIn?

Deciding what types of content to use in our LinkedIn posts is often a big decision for most active LinkedIn engagers. We sometimes challenge ourselves with these hard to answer questions:

  1. Should I write blog posts?
  2. Should I create videos?
  3. Should I use images and/or infographics?
  4. Should I curate content from other sources?
  5. What about Documents on LinkedIn?
  6. Should I write posts as short stories or just a few sentences of compelling text?
  7. Should I experiment with LinkedIn Polls and Events?
  8. If I have LinkedIn Live, should I do regular events?
  9. Should I write LinkedIn Articles?
  10. Is it worthwhile to use LinkedIn Kudo Posts or Celebration Posts

These are all great questions. 
However, there is no best practices or standard answer to these questions.

I help my clients answer these questions with these ideas:

  1. The more diverse your LinkedIn Network is, the more diverse content types will appeal to across your entire network. There is no single content type that will appeal to your entire network.
  2. You should use different content types to deliver different types of messages. A simple image or text post could deliver a single thought for your network. Where a blog post, LinkedIn Article, or YouTube video could speak to multiple points around a single topic. There is no single content type for all conversations.
  3. Some LinkedIn members will spend time reading long posts. Some LinkedIn members do not want to invest more than a few minutes consuming your content.
  4. On some days you may have time to write a compelling blog post or create an impactful image. Yet, we often get busy and still want to ‘give’ our network something and simple post may be all we can do today.
  5. If you are not comfortable creating graphics, videos, blog posts, or LinkedIn Articles, then don’t lead with them as a primary content type. Be good at what you are good at. However, maybe try your hands at doing something different that you could eventually see yourself doing. Idea – Curate or outsource creating the content types you are not comfortable doing.
  6. Here’s an interesting analogy. Sometimes the baby wants mushed peas. Sometimes the baby wants apple sauce and even ice cream. Feed the baby the food it wants and it’ll grow. Feed your network the content types it wants and your relationship will grow.

Regardless of what year it is content, focused on your target audience, will always be important. Find ways to curate or create diverse types of content and your LinkedIn Network will be appreciative.

Here is the YouTube video on this topic:

I love helping business professionals who want to use LinkedIn as a business tool. If I can help you and your sales team, let’s find a time to talk.
