LinkedIn Seminar

2019 – Year of Growing

I so much want to yell out loud, “Stop wasting time trying to use LinkedIn. Get help to Master it NOW, or just close your account.”

I know the value of using LinkedIn with purpose, focused on my business goals. I wish all of the 585, 691, 334 members (as of 12/21/18 11:20 AM EST) did as well.

Imagine the missed opportunities, the wasted time connecting, pushing out content, and trolling LinkedIn Groups and the newsfeed haphazardly trying to generate business, the wrong way.

When you don’t know how to integrate a business tool into your business processes, how to use it with intention and purpose, or you don’t understand the philosophies related to social networking, your efforts trying to use LinkedIn can be a waste of time.

For this reason, we are restarting our LinkedIn Seminars immediately. We held one on 12/19/18 and it was well attended by people who said this:

“Wow, I can see how I’ve been doing this wrong for so long.” DF

“I had no idea I could do that.” PP

“This is such an eye-opener for me.” DB

“This will be a great game changer for me.” MM

and my favorite

“Dang, I can’t wait to share this with my team.” SM

If you are located anywhere near Winston-Salem NC, we want you to stop wasting time trying to use LinkedIn and join us so we can help you master this business tool.

A new session every third Wednesday of the month – 8:00 AM EST at FlyWheel Coworking, 450 Design Ave, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Register for LinkedIn Seminar

Join us if you want to become more successful focused on your business goals.

Register for LinkedIn Seminar



Learn WordPress – a Business Tool – Your WordPress Seminar

I am sharing this WordPress Training program with my blog followers first. Later this week I will share with the public.

Seminar Webinar

LinkedIn Training – Learn to use this Business Tool

I am sharing this LinkedIn Training program with my blog followers first. Later this week I will share with the public