
Social Selling vs Social Networking

Earlier today I responded to a LinkedIn post where the author basically said this:

“Yeah, I get the unspoken LinkedIn rule.
‘No selling too soon on LinkedIn via DM.’
But why? This is a business site.
It’s like we’re all at a singles bar trying to pretend we’re here only for the conversation.
Yeah, sure we are.
Do you want to sell me something? Go ahead. give it a shot!
You can even do it in the first DM you send me!
(By the way, I haven’t tried to sell anything on LinkedIn. Yet.)”

From a LinkedIn Post

Some of those who jumped into the conversation responded with “Yes, we should get to the sales messaging as quickly as possible.”

Some responded with “No, LinkedIn is not where you sell.”

My response went like this:

I think I understand your post, Steve.

Your idea may work for some who play the numbers game of connecting/selling, ie LinkedIn Cold-Calling, however, it doesn’t appeal to me.

For me, LinkedIn is primarily a research, branding & communications site.  Once I have done enough research and I am ready, I’ll call, email or LinkedIn message the right people & ask the right question(s). 

Maybe that question is “who should I send the invoice to?” or Maybe that question is, “when & where do you want to meet?”

It all depends on the results of the research, prior engagement and other activities that have occurred outside of LinkedIn.

I’m in this for the long journey. I don’t want to become ‘another guy who cold calls on LinkedIn.’

Again, this works for me, maybe not for others. Regarding your post, maybe LinkedIn cold calling works for others, it does not appeal to me.

Thanks for sparking an interesting conversation, even the bar scene tips others threw in here. (lol)

My comment to the post on LinkedIn

Now, I know that my ideas, philosophies, and tactics are not for everyone. However, I know that my processes work well for me.

This is why I teach my style, my tactics, steps, and best practices across the globe. I’m actually preparing to kick off my January 2020 LinkedIn Mastermind Group where I’ll share my philosophies, tactics, tips, tricks, hacks and many of my processes with others. Maybe you’ll want to join in. More info to come soon.

I like to refer to my use of LinkedIn as Social Networking, not Social Selling. For me, Social Networking is the foundation of Relationship Selling.

The phrase Social Selling is so twisted and misunderstood by so many people.

Do you prefer to do LinkedIn Cold-Calling? I’m still not a fan of any flavor of cold calling.

Or, do you prefer relationship sales? Yes, it’s a much longer journey, but this works for me.

Please share your thoughts in the comments.
