Using Slack as a Business Tool
#Slack (Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge) have been around since 2014 and is quickly growing into a formidable business tool. I am quickly falling in love with #Slack.
Slack’s device adoption (iPhone, Macbook, Browser, Android, etc) is impressive. I wish there were an iPad app, but let’s hope it’s coming.
Slack is fairly intuitive, easy to use and responsive.
There are some nuances we need to be aware of when setting up a new Workspace (community) and Channels, however this is adjustable. It also makes sense to do some basic training and alerting of expectations to users when on-boarding. One of the most important things is to teach people to use Threads (replies) and not to do 1:1 messaging in channels.
I also like the ability to email into a Workspace. I wish I could direct the messages into a specific channel. That would be pretty cool.
I have gotten pretty serious using #Slack as a business tool. I’m in 5 pretty active communities (Workspaces) and am working hard to keep my use of Slack efficient and effective.
I’m developing a training program on the use of Slack as a Business Tool.
Below are some resources I’ve looked at while building this class. Since I like Slack, I thought I’d share these with you.
Go to to get started creating a new Workspace or signing into an existing Community
Here is a quick list of resources for those who want to explore using Slack as a Business tool:
Slack Privacy Statement – We need to always read these.
Slack Legal Information (Terms of Use, Privacy, Security, Acceptable Use – review these).
Slack Introductions YouTube Playlist
What is Slack YouTube Video Playlist
Slack Help Site – WOW!
Slack Slash Commands – WOW!
Slack Application Integration – WOW!
Naming ideas for your Channels
Best Practices from active Slack Users (2015 article – still pretty good)
Feel free to email me any questions you have regarding using Slack as a Business tool.