I was totally blown away at the results of my last Text Expander report
In the past 3 months, I have saved over 20 hours of time, at a typing rate of 60 words per minute. And this does not include the amount of time I save not misspelling my website URL, email address, and dozens of other phrases I have created Text Expander snippets for.
compensated affiliate link
I have been using Text Expander since prior to 2015 and now have it on my laptop, desktop, iPad, and iPhone. I love it when I hit a snippet that saves me lots of time.
One tip I have for using Text Expander is – I write short email scripts in it and when I am messaging dozens of people with the same message all I have to do is type in the snippet, fill in their name and their company name, and the rest is automatically typed for me. I can’t imagine using copy/paste dozens of times and hoping to remember to change the name and company name text each time.
If you do a lot of keyboard work I encourage you to check out Text Expander.
BTW – this offer directly from Text Expander allows me to get you a 20% discount off the 1st year subscription.
I hope you take advantage of this really useful business tool
Reminder – I am an affiliate for Text Expander. I get compensated for sharing this message, although I am only an affiliate of products I use and totally recommend.
If you are using LinkedIn purposefully you are repeating a lot of steps every day.
Examples are:
Sending new LinkedIn Invites
Accepting LinkedIn Invites
Campaign Messaging to your relevant LinkedIn Network.
Acknowledging Birthday, new jobs and Career Anniversaries.
The larger your LinkedIn Network grows and the more you start engaging purposefully with them, the more you’ll see the keys wearing out on your keyboard.
I wore out the keys on my Macbook Pro and then my <1yr old Macbook.
This is what happens when you write a couple of blog posts a day, are working on two new Ebooks, post on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and other blog sites every day.
A few years ago I found a tool that not only helps me minimize the damage I am doing to my keyboards, but it also helped me be more efficient in my social engagement.
Text Expander by Smile lets you instantly insert snippets of text from your own repository of content, as you type – using a quick search or abbreviated codes.
I created a huge library of shortcodes. Most of mine start with “;” and then a 3-4 character code.
Here are some examples I use every day:
;em – My email address (saves 28 keystrokes)
;lk – the word LinkedIn (saved 5 keystrokes)
;lm – the phrase LinkedIn Member (saves 12 keystrokes)
;ls – the phrase LinkedIn Search (saves 12 keystrokes)
;lp – the phrase LinkedIn Profile (13 keystrokes)
;in – the phrase LinkedIn Network (13 keystrokes)
;eb1 – The URL to my primary ebook (saves 47 keystrokes)
;eb2 – The second ebook URL (saves 47 keystrokes)
;eb3 – The third ebook URL (saves 47 keystrokes)
;tlb1 – My primary post signature used in blog posts, articles, etc (saves 67 keystrokes)
;pl – My standard template of text asking LinkedIn Members to connect with me (saves 89 characters)
;whyli – My standard template asking LinkedIn Members why they sent me an invite to connect (saves 297 keystrokes)
;thxli – My standard template for thank you for connecting on LinkedIn (saves 392 keystrokes)
And a huge handful of snippets for the many URLs I type every day (calendly, blog articles, my YouTube videos, etc, etc, etc)
Using TextExpander has been a huge advantage for me. Beyond the time savings, it helps me to be more consistent with my words and to minimize spelling and grammar errors. For my URL’s it has helped me to make sure I don’t ‘fat-finger’ them and embarrass myself.
I love my TextExpander for lots of reasons. and would be lost without it.
I use TextExpander on My Macbook Pro, my Macbook as well as my iPad and iPhone. My business partner uses it on her PC.
Note – functionality on the iPad and iPhone is a little different and took time for me to get effective using it there. But, I got it now!
If you are struggling to find time to do all you should be doing online, you have to have TextExpander by Smile
Get your own subscription to TextExpander today. You won’t regret it.
Note – this post has my affiliate link in it – why – Because I want you to know TextExpander is a powerful tool