It happened on December 21, 2016 @ about 4:45pm. I discovered my 2017 Word of the Year (WOY).
Over the past few weeks I have been considering what would be a good WOY for me. Each time I brought the conversation up in my mind I leaned towards business, career, my company, my clients and the work I do. Each time I had to subconsciously remind myself that a WOY is not just about this stuff.
A good WOY should be:
- A word relevant to life in general. Not just my personal life or my business.
- A word that when said out loud, read online, in a book or a tweet, or heard said by another person, Pokes me hard and makes me think.
- A word that brings value to me in many different and meaningful ways.
- A word I can talk about and explain the reason for my choice, a word that can bring value and meaning to others.
- A word I can use to guide me through the year in positive and beneficial ways.
After lots of thought, noodling, conversations and reflection I have just the right word.
My 2017 Word of the year will be Gratitude!
Yes, I can say I chose Gratitude as my WOY because I must always remind myself every day how blessed I am. Because of my health, my beautiful Wife, loving and smart Children, caring & supportive son-in-laws, the GrandWeWaps, my faith, my home, skills, talents, clients, passion, opportunities, friends, family, financial calmness, mentors, coffee, craft beer, the Internet, the MiniCooper, clean socks, cool technology, ability to read, talk, to dance, sing, fresh air, clean water, safe community, the ability to volunteer, the cool people I meet, sidewalks I walk on, beautiful music & art, entertainment, fresh vegetables and fruits, sea food & beef, fun restaurants, my offices at Finnegan’s Wake, Starbucks, Krankies, Camino Bakery, Flywheel and across the country and many many other things I am grateful for.
I could say I chose Gratitude as my WOY because of the lifestyle I get to live.
However the reason I chose Gratitude as my word of the year for 2017 is I want to acknowledge my blessings, not just in the holiday celebrations or ceremonial activities in life, but also in the simple things in life.
I preach a philosophy of ‘Lead with Give’ and I have decided choosing Gratitude as my WOY for 2017 will help me to truly ‘Lead with Give’ in everything I do. This is important to me.
I know I’ll forget to apply Gratitude to some of my activities in 2017 (& beyond), I am human. However I believe, just as in years past, putting my WOY in front of me as often as possible will help.
Please join me in celebrating my 2017 Word of the Year, Gratitude by experiencing ‘Lead with Give’ yourself.
My new email signature used for the first time.
Thank you
Teddy Burriss
Burriss Consulting, Inc.
LinkedIn Professional Development Coach/Trainer
(336) 283-6121
#Gratitude is my word of the year for 2017
Teddy Burriss on LinkedIn
I want to thank my beautiful and loving wife Rebecca (aka Bum) for helping me choose Gratitude as my new WOY because of our really cool kitchen table chats. I am blessed we get to have these conversations together.
I want to thank Joshua Waldman for the conversation we had on 12/21/16 @ 4:30pm where it became clear Gratitude would be my WOY 2017.
6 replies on “My Word of the Year – 2017”
Thank you so much for not only sharing but expressing your heart. I have proclaimed this year, as being the beginning, of the best years of the rest of my life. I too would like to make “GRATITUDE” my visual word of the year.
Thank you for just being you!
Thanks for the comment Wanda. Please – join in and make 2017 your year of Gratitude.
What a wonderful choice for your word of the year! Several years ago I attended an amazing personal development seminar. Each of us was given the key to remind us that “gratitde is the key to abundance.” I still keep my key in a prominent place to remind me of that fact
Thanks Nancy. Have a great day
“Gratitude” – a powerful, soul based word of reverence for all that is. Great choice, Teddy! Wishing you & your family a good 2017.
Thans Sandy. Have a great day