
2015 Annual Message in Review

I share my Annual message deliberately to touch my network at least once a year. This message helps grow my business every year.

Many of the people in my Network know that each year I send out an annual email message with the purpose of doing a few things:

#1 – Confirm your email addresses are still good

#2 – Say hello

#3 – Touch my entire network beyond my normal day to day activity.

#4 – Stay top of mind so that when you are ready for what I do, you’ll remember me.

I started sending this message out in 2005. Of course in the early days I had no idea how to do this correctly. I admit the cardinal sin of “asking” to much in my first few years.

Over time I’ve gotten smarter and the messages now have more value.

Here are the numbers from the last few years.

List Size 5200 %
Dead email addresses 185 3.56%
Unsubscribes 36 0.69%
Happy responses 188 3.62%
Unhappy responses 7 0.13%
Message Reads 1820 35.00%
Clicked on my stuff 348 6.69%


2014 (less Links in message)
List Size 7012 %
Increase over 2013 1812 34.85%
Dead email addresses 368 5.25%
Unsubscribes 51 0.73%
Happy responses 84 1.20%
Unhappy responses 4 0.06%
Message Reads 1600 22.82%
Clicked on my stuff 313 4.46%
Mobile Opens 3303 47.10%


2015 (less Links in message)
List Size 8,172 %
Increase over 2014 1,160 16.54%
Dead email addresses 297 4.24%
Unsubscribes 72 1.03%
happy Email Replies 147 2.10%
Unhappy responses 1 0.01%
Message Reads 1,846 26.33%
Clicked on my stuff 82 1.00%
Mobile Opens 3,955 48.40%

I used less images and links in my message this year.

A few of the Happy responses came in real life, one happily ‘yelling’ at me down the sidewalk.

What did I learn?

My Network is getting accustomed to this message and increasingly appreciating it.

What am I doing differently now?

I am going to purge contacts with bad email addresses. I do not have the time to track down people with bad email addresses any longer

What am I going to do differently next year?

I am going to exclude all Unsubscribes from future annual messages. This will restrict testing for bad email addresses, however I am going to begin considering each updated list as one list and not message people who unsubscribe from any annual message.

I am also going to add a few links with encouragement to subscribe or follow my articles and videos.

I am going to add a link to my coaching programs for anyone interested. I need a few more Links worthy of sharing with my network.

What ideas do you have that could make this a better annual message?

Thanks to my network. I am absolutely a blessed man in regards to this annual message and beyond.

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