
LinkedIn Networking – Broad and Diverse

I wrote an article on LinkedIn a few days ago after one of my students said to me, “I won’t accept an invite from anyone I don’t know because I have no idea how they can help me.” My reply was simple, “Yes, that’s exactly the point. You never know.”


Top 20 Mistakes made using LinkedIn as a Business Tool

Top 20 Mistakes made using LinkedIn as a business tool 

There are many mistakes we make in life, career and business. I know I’ve made them all. I’ve made plenty using LinkedIn as well.

LinkedIn Social Media

Social Onboarding your Business Development team

I am excited to see organizations do deliberate and organized onboarding of their new hires. Preparing these employees from the start to be successful in their role helps to produce more successful and productive employees who generally want to stay around longer.


7 Top LinkedIn Actions Needed to Create Value


I get asked this question all the time, “How do I get value from my use of LinkedIn?”

So, I decided to create a blog post on the topic.


Are you Prospecting Efficiently and Effectively on LinkedIn

In my LinkedIn Professional Development programs I teach 4 very specific steps needed to create value using LinkedIn: