
Is your LinkedIn Profile Discoverable

Is your LinkedIn Profile Discoverable?

One of the big value points of LinkedIn is the ability to be discovered as a professional and/or expert in your role working for your company.

Keyword Rich LinkedIn Profiles

If you invest the time and energy into building a Keyword Rich LinkedIn Profile there are three primary benefits you can achieve:

Leadership Coach LinkedIn

Leaders Must be Publicly Present

I hear this from leaders far too often, “I don’t have time to use LinkedIn. I have too many meetings to attend, too many challenges to overcome and too much client work to do.”


How to alert your Network of Who are you and What you do

Who are you?

It’s hard for people to see you one way, but you’re really the other way, so it’s kind of like, ‘Who am I, who are you?’ Sometimes, I confuse even myself. ~ Nicole Polizzi


LinkedIn Weekly Activity List

LinkedIn Weekly Activity

“Investing Time in Yourself is the only safe Investment that will give you maximum return throughout life.” ~ Kamari aka Lyrikal